The past several months we have been taking a deep dive into what it looks like to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus. We have covered so many topics since the beginning of the year...
-Taking the Bible seriously
-Making prayer a priority
-Worshipping with ALL of our lives
-Living authentic lives & not hypocrites
-The importance of serving
-Gaining perspective on possessions
-Pursuing community
This past Sunday we talked about the importance of rest in our development as fully devoted followers of Jesus. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says: "Come to me, all of you who are weary, & carry heavy burdens, & I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am gentle & humble at heart, & you will find rest for your souls."
In this passage, Jesus brings our attention to two forms of weariness, physical & spiritual. We know what it feels like to be physically tired, but are we aware when we are spiritually worn down? It is an internal heaviness that no amount of sleep will cure.
The world we all live in has trained us to believe that our success is defined by our performance, productivity, & how close to perfect we are. You & I both know that this kind of life is exhausting. The reality that Jesus wants us to understand is that the best version of us is the rested version of us.
So what is it that weighs you down in life? Not only physically, but spiritually...what are you carrying around? Jesus has invited you (& me) to bring all of that heaviness to Him. He invites us to take his yoke, to learn from Him. He wants to teach us how we can still have success in the areas He has called us to without burning ourselves out.
German Philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, wrote that "A man is not defined by what he demands from life, but by how he responds to what life demands of him." This is a great reminder that there are many elements of life that are just out of our control that can be exhausting to us if we let them. How will you respond to the things life throws your way that have the potential to weigh you down? Jesus invites you to come to Him...and find rest.